Monday, 27 August 2012

Apple targets 8 Samsung phones for sales ban

Apple wants to keep eight of Samsung's smartphones off store shelves in the U.S. as a result of last week's jury verdict.
Those include:

• Galaxy S 4G
• Galaxy S2 AT&T
• Galaxy S2 Skyrocket
• Galaxy S2 T-Mobile
• Galaxy S2 Epic 4G
• Galaxy S Showcase
• Droid Charge
• Galaxy Prevail

The device with the most infringements is the Galaxy S 4G. It was found to infringe two of Apple's design patents, three utility patents, and two claims of trade dress.

Apple says this list is only "to address a portion of the immediate, ongoing irreparable harm that Apple is suffering."
The list in this filing does not include the Galaxy Tab 10.1, a device that the jury found to infringe on three of Apple's utility patents, but not Apple's tablet design patent.
Separately from this filing, Apple said that it still wants the 4G version of the tablet included in bans, saying it was not "colorably different," from the infringing devices.

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